The Reality of Adopting a Foreign Rescue Dog.

With the big increase in dogs being imported from foreign countries many owners or potential owners are not aware of the downsides of choosing to adopt dogs from abroad. It is so easy to come across a picture on facebook and your heart melt, of course you want to offer your home to this beautiful […]

Why joining our Foreign Rescue Dog Inner Circle is a good idea.

Do you live with a Foreign Rescue dog and are struggling with behaviours or training issues? Are you spending endless hours searching google and reading conflicting advice? Are you getting advice from well meaning friends or family but it just doesn’t seem to be working? Have you been recommended various trainers and behaviourists but just […]

Top Tips To Settling In Your New Foreign Rescue Dog

Adopting a dog from abroad is something that many families are doing now. However it can be a hard time for your new family member and many owners wanting to get things right from the start. I often get asked for my help in making sure they can help make the transition as easy and […]

Preparing Your Foreign Rescue Dog For Christmas

We all know that Christmas time takes us out of our usual routine and that is no different for our dogs. Many foreign rescue dogs rely on routine. They often can feel overwhelmed when change happens, which includes decorations in the home, increase in visitors in the home, presents everywhere, tasty food around and even […]

How to Help Your Foreign Rescue Dog Get Through Halloween & Fireworks Night.

Now that our summer is over and temperature is dropping. It means one thing, Christmas is fast approaching. However before Christmas we have Halloween and Fireworks night coming up. This may be something that young children enjoy. however to our Foreign Rescue Dogs this could be a very scary time. Adjusting to living in our […]

Welcome to Becky’s Walkies

Becky's Walkies

Becky is a trained professional with over fifteen years of experience working with difficult dogs. So, whether you need help with basic skills training or more comprehensive emotional work, contact Becky’s Walkies today to find out how we can help.